Portable Disaster Response Structures for Flooding
Flooding causes a sudden state of emergency that can force communities to evacuate residents to safety, displace families from their homes and cause damage to vital infrastructure.
In South Carolina, heavy rains swamped local communities, triggering President Barack Obama to declare a state of disaster from flooding. Since Oct. 3, at least 13 dams failed, forcing evacuations and significant damage to property, roadways and water systems. Weather-related incidents led to 19 deaths in North and South Carolina.
Field-tested tensioned membrane structures from BLU-MED Response Systems® are essential components of effective disaster response. Versatile BLU-MED fabric buildings can be deployed from an extensive disaster response stockpile to anywhere in the world and fully operational within 72 hours of notice.

The effects of flooding – particularly in the case of a dam breach – can create an urgent need for medical care facilities, housing shelter and morgue capacity. BLU-MED Deployable Field Hospitals, EXT Medical Trailer Systems, Deployable and Mobile Morgue Systems and Emergency Management Facilities are proven in disaster response and fully equipped to serve all of these needs.
For more information about how BLU-MED can help your agency save lives in disaster response and aid in recovery efforts, call +1-425-739-2795, email inforeq@blu-med.com or contact us online.