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Governments and NGO’s are working tirelessly around the world. And yet we are losing against the Ebola outbreak. There are not enough medical professionals and equipment to keep up with the number of infected. In the rush to care for patients, corners are cut and the life saving medical professionals fall ill themselves.

Center for Disease Control’s worst estimate is that 1.4 million more people will become infected by January in Sierra Leone and Liberia alone. CDC’s Director Tom Frieden said that the window to prevent the spread of Ebola is quickly closing.

But there is hope. President Obama is taking action. He is sending troops to West Africa to build patient isolation facilities for Ebola and has called on support from other countries to “supply … doctors and medical equipment.”

These changes are a good start and will hopefully inspire other nations and NGOs worldwide to increase their coordinated efforts to help those in West Africa and stop Ebola from spreading into other countries.

BLU-MED negative pressure isolation system for airborne infection isolation facilities meets CDC guidelines set by the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee making BLU-MED the ideal choice for rapid deployment Ebola Isolation Wards. Cont

See more at: Negative Pressure Ebola Treatment Facilities

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